Monday, February 13, 2017


Dudes: A PSA Service for you! 1 or 364!

Hey guys, dudes, cowboys, stallions, gentlemen, fellows, blokes….whatever you call yourself I have something to tell you. I’m your friend after all. I want your wife, girlfriend, significant other, woman, love of your life to be happy and I will tell you like it is today and every day. So, dudes, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I want the day after tomorrow to feel triumphant for both you and me. I want my loyal readers to still feel the love and I want to see them basking in the afterglow of the love you showed them, tomorrow: Valentine’s Day. Hey guy….if you’re one of those who says, “Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday created by Hallmark to gain oodles of money from sappy cards and I don’t want any part of that”, more power to ya! I’m happy for you and your strong beliefs. So guess what I expect of you if that is your belief? I expect that you will show your love and express  your love to your special partner in crime/love of your life the other 364 days this year. Easy right?! So if you decide to let tomorrow go without any extra effort on your part then I cannot wait to hear the amazing stories of love expression from your women the other 364 days! Yay! You are really going to help the economy by doing this! Red roses for 364 days! Dark Chocolates, favorite meals, sappy cards, extra hugs, romantic candle lit dinners for 364 days! You go dude! You are the ultimate lover and I look forward to hearing my amazing family, friends, clients and colleagues gushing about the love they feel for 364 days….because after all, if tomorrow is a commercial holiday of which you will not buy into then that means you are already expressing your love and have plans to express your love the other 364 days in the year. Please respond to me personally or to my blog for the world to read and let us know how you did the other 364 days of expressing your love to your significant other. For everyone else who thinks that could possibly interfere with the rest of your life I invite us to all enjoy a day of extra smiles, laughter shared and love expressed. “But every day above ground is a great day, remember that!” as the singer Pit Bull so eloquently expresses in the song Time of Our Lives…remember that and we will all feel love each and every day and Valentine’s Day will be a day to give more hugs, smiles, poems and gifts of love. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my wonderful readers. I love you and want the best for you each and every day of your wonderful life. 

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Conversations from BBL

I love talking to new people and getting to see a glimpse into their lives. Selling my cookie mix and my baked goods at farmer's markets allows me to do just that. 

Today at the farmer's market everyone was in an especially chipper mood. Thank you long weekend and thank you Mother Nature. The humidity was low and the smiles were high! I get sheer joy from seeing the look on people's faces as they read my sign while also catching a glimpse of me in my apron and hat. They usually mouth the words slowly to themselves "Bikini. Baking. Lady. " and then the smiles come on full force. That's my favorite part of the whole day! One of the first questions I get asked is "do you bake in your bikini?". Followed quickly by "why do you call yourself that?" As I've written in previous posts I created my alter ego, my new name while I was eating most of my meals with my then 1,3 & 4 year old children. I realized that when it was winter (in Boston... Brrrrrr!) I was happy to pack on the weight as quickly as I added the layers of clothing. But then in the summer when we were living outdoors and at the beach (no air conditioning in my 100+ year old house) I truly thought about every bite of food. I asked myself, "is this food for my body or food for my face?" Realizing that my food choices were much better when I envisioned myself in my bikini or workout clothes prompted me to come up with my Bikini Baking Lady name and company. 

But today I heard a great story and idea from a kind man I was able to talk with while he was shopping at the Farmer's Market in Mt. Pleasant, SC. After his smile and his question of "why did I come up with my business name" he quickly interjected that since January he has lost over 50 pounds! I was so happy for him! And then he let me in on his secret which I want to share with you. He said that when he gets home and is in the comfort of his own home he takes off his shirt. It's his mental reminder to be conscientious of the food that goes in his mouth. He said on a number of occasions he has caught himself heading to the kitchen to get a snack that he didn't need only to catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror. That was enough of a reminder for him to pause to be sure his body needs the food and just doesn't "want" the food due to boredom, habit, loneliness, etc. So hats off to you Mr. Swim trunk baking man! Great job of incorporating mental games in your physical hunger cues. It works friends! If you are lucky to live in a home where you are never without food remember that food is there to nourish your body. Food is to keep your brain sharp and to keep your body moving in the right direction. Change your relationship with food. Breakup with the foods that are not right for you and break up with the mindless eating. Trade it in for enjoying every bite of what nature has for us to enjoy. After all, you only have one life. Let's work together to make it the happiest and healthiest life possible. I love you my friend!!!! Keep smiling! 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

BBL Cookie Jars!

Hello Kind, Wonderful Person! 

I hope the summertime is treating you well! It might be hot and you might get sweaty but remember to enjoy each day for what it brings to you and what you can do to help others. 

For years I have been making baked goods that are healthy and add to a healthy lifestyle instead of take away like other baked goods. Now you can make my healthy recipes in your own home! Today I am in North Mt. Pleasant selling my BBL Cookie Jars. Come see me and have a free, awesome workout too! 

When you buy my cookie jars you'll see how easy they are to make: 
Yes! That's all you have to do! Mash some bananas and open up a jar! BUT WAIT........there's more!!!! You can eat the dough! Yes, yes, yes, I said it and it's true! If you're a raw cookie dough person have at it! Place 3 spoonfuls of my dough on a plate and sit down, relax and have an awesome breakfast or snack or dessert!!!! 

Please let me know what you think!!!! And check out my other sites while you're at it:

Have an awesome day and help make someone else's day fabulous too!!!! 


PS....I'm home now from my awesome time at the gym and selling my BBL Cookies in a jar. I met the nicest people and had a blast! I forgot to list ingredients for the jars. For the C3 Jar: Oats, chia, flaxseeds, PB2, unsweetened cocoa, unsweetened coconut, 72% dark chocolate, Ceylon cinnamon, salt and baking powder. 

For the CR Jar: Oats, chai, flaxseeds, Saigon cinnamon, unsweetened raisins, salt, baking powder. 

3 cookies provides your body with 125 calories, 3 grams healthy fats, 15g carbs, 4 G protein, 3 grams fiber.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hat Trick Bars!

Hi There Beautiful! 

How's life treating you?  I hope you woke up this morning and smiled. Did you know what happens in the first few minutes after waking can make your day even happier? There are some who believe that the way in which you are woken up also has a play in your mood for the day. I highly suggest waking up to an alarm clock that makes you smile. Try this tomorrow.....after your eyes open first thing in the morning smile! A big, happy, "how ya doin" type of smile! Your day will be better, I promise. 

After waking up and smiling go share your smiles with your family! Typically my kiddos and I meet in the kitchen each morning. They are all 3 big breakfast eaters. But sometimes, just sometimes, the morning gets away from us and at least 1/3 of my kids ends up eating breakfast in fast food style. In my family that means that breakfast is eaten in the car on the way to school. But secretly I rejoice when this does happen on occasion. The biggest reason is that I carefully map out the macros that my kids eat. I believe that if hey have good fuel in them they will be more attentive, have more energy and perform better in school. So far I'm super happy with the results so I thought I'd share one of my fast food recipes with you. I call this recipe "Hat Trick Bars" mainly because when these bars are eaten before school, a sporting event, (like SOCCER!) or as a healthy snack you will be filled with good, clean, pure, powerful energy! You just might get a hat trick! 

These take 3 minutes or less to make. It actually takes longer to gather the ingredients than it does to actually make the Hat Trick Bars! So be forewarned....they are awesome and you and your family will want to make them and have them on hand all the time! 

Hat Trick Bars
3 Cups oats 
1C peanut butter (or any nut butter)
1/2 C ground flaxseeds
1/2 C melted coconut oil
1/2 C honey

Mix all ingredients well:
Then press down very firmly into a square pan which has been greased with coconut oil or lined in parchment paper. 
Refrigerate the bars covered for at least an hour or until the bars are firm and ready to cut. Cut into squares and wrap so you have a healthy snack whenever you need one. And Enjoy bikini style!!!
I have TruMoo chocolate milk paired with this already powerful snack. Runner's World and Women's Health have both published articles agreeing with me (and Sue!) that chocolate milk is one of the best post workout recovery snacks. The calories, protein and sugars found in chocolate milk aid your body and muscles after a hard workout or a hard day's work! So kids, or grown ups who are kids at heart and love yummy, healthy foods, next time you want a snack or a special treat at the grocery store get TruMoo chocolate milk and the ingredients to make my Hat Trick Bars! And double the recipe..... You will be glad you did! 
PS.... This song is so sweet:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Power Salmon Cakes!

Hello, Howdy, Hola, Hi, 

How have you been? It's been so long since I have written and posted a new recipe. My weekdays have been spent with some adorable, awesome, smart, fun kids! I have been subbing at my kids' school and loving every moment. I have officially taught every grade from preschool to 12th grade! I am secretly patting my own back for that one. I truly enjoy teaching and I'm thrilled to have been able to teach so many children across 3 states. 

Today I want to share with you a family favorite. I have always loved salmon croquettes and salmon cakes but I felt that the traditional recipes left a lot to be desired so I created my own version and I call them Power Salmon Cakes. 

Just look at these beauties all plated up! 

If you like it hot and spicy add Sriracha to the power cakes before forming into patties. My children, however, cannot stand spicy food so I am forced to spice mine up once they've hit the plate. I think you will like them either way you decide to prepare these little jewels. 

Isn't my bikini sweater bottle cover the cutest?! Such a thoughtful gift for this baking gal! Thank you Brett!

Power Salmon Cakes 
3 C prepared quinoa (I boiled mine in chicken brother for extra depth)
3 Cans drained wild pink salmon 
1 mashed ripe avocado 
3 eggs
Juice of 1 lime
1 T garlic paste or 4 cloves
1 T Dijon mustard
1 T aioli garlic mustard sauce (trader joes baby!!!)
3 T sesame seeds
2 T ground flaxseeds 
Cracked pepper
Lemon pepper
Cayenne pepper
Sea salt 
Reserved flax for dusting
Coconut oil spray

Preheat oven to 350* and line a baking sheet or jelly roll pan with parchment paper. Spray parchment paper with coconut oil. 

Mix quinoa, salmon, avocado, garlic, salt,  sesame seeds, flaxseeds in a bowl and set aside. In separate bowl:

Combine both mustards, eggs and seasonings with a fork until well mixed. 

Then add the mustard/egg mixture to the salmon/quinoa bowl. Stir until well mixed and lump free. 

Next you are going to want to sprinkle some flaxseeds on a plate so that you can roll the salmon cakes in the flaxseeds. 

Form the salmon cakes into patties the size of hamburgers. Kids love to help during this step! Then take the patties and lightly rub the reserved flaxseeds on them. Do this to both sides and then place the salmon cakes on your prepared pan. 

Use the spray to coat the top of the salmon cake so that both sides will have a little coconut oil. 

Bake for 15 minutes and flip. Bake another 10-12 or until crispy and hot. All I have to say is yummmmmmy! I always make a lot of these. My kids tend to eat 3-4 of them for dinner! On my portion I use a fork to prick some holes on the top of them and I pour a little apple cider vinegar on each one. I also dip into Sriracha sauce for an extra sweet, hot kick. 

I serve mine on top of wilted garlic spinach with a side of broccoli slaw (I made the slaw by mixing a bag of broccoli slaw with the aioli garlic mustard sauce (buy a lot of this if you love mustard like I do!) and some apple cider vinegar. 

Place some lime wedges on the side for beauty and add a nice squirt before you sink your teeth into this divine meal. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Omg! These cookies!

My kids just got home from school. They were starving so I cut up fresh peaches for them and got a few hard boiled eggs out too. But then I let them try my brand-new chocolate chip cookies! They absolutely positively 100% loved them! 

Now.....rewind back to last night. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about dates. Haha silly, the edible kind. Not the nice kind with a man. What I kept thinking about in the middle of the night was that dates are so stinkin good, so sweet and I wanted some! It had been a while since I had the chance to sink my teeth into some sweet dates. Then I thought how I'd like a chocolate chip cookie that I could eat and 100% feel good about. I also wanted to create a treat that I could feed my kids that would put only good, clean nutrients in their bodies. You may be wondering why I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking these things. It is rather strange but I do have my reasons. The biggest one is that over the weekend I was totally grossed out in my pantry. I was getting quinoa to make and prepare for the week when something red caught my eye. A sucker (or lollipop if you are from the North) was dropping its disgusting liquid all over my beautiful painted and clean walls. I pulled the nasty red sucker off of the wall (yes, it was stuck there and even still had a wrapper on it!) and called my children in to see the mess. I began talking about junk food, trash food and unnecessary foods. Candy is just that to me. 100% unnecessary. I'd rather my kids have ice cream or one of my cookies any day of the week instead of worthless candy. But please note that I am not one who won't let my kids trick or treat because candy is so nasty (no offense if you are like that though..... Power to ya!) Instead I take the higher route and educate my kids. This is their world. I am only going to be able to hold their hands and lead their way and make their paths for so long. They have to know how to make their own decisions. Secretly and openly I truly rejoice each time my daughter takes a bite or 2 of candy or junk food and puts it down or saves it or gives it to someone else. Kids are born being able to moderate themselves in every way. We as parents just have to enable them to use their instincts as well as what they have been taught about leading a healthy life. 

So..... That was the longest way ever of saying that my daughter looked up at me after my "candy is gross" speech and said, "If this sucker doesn't help us grow or get stronger in any way then why would we want to eat it?" I rejoice my friends and dear readers! That's it! "Great Scott!" as Doc says in Back to the Future. That's it! Think and remember that and that's all we need to know!

Make these clean, tasty cookies and you will feel good before, during and after your experience!!!

"Are You Kidding Me Cookies"

3 ripe avocados 
36 dates (I used Sunsweet brand but Trader Joes Medjool dates are my norm)
2 eggs
1 t pure vanilla extract
1 t baking soda
1 t baking powder 
1/4 t sea salt
1 3/4 C almond meal
1/4 C coconut flour
1 Cup mini chocolate chips (I used Lily's brand dark chocolate because they are sugar free, soy and dairy free. I wanted my niece who is lactose intolerant to be able to have these!)

Oven 350*. Oh my gosh....Start by smiling super big! This is amazing! Then mash avocados. I just threw mine in the trusty Ninja. Add all of the pitted dates. Be SURE there are not any pits! Mix well. Add eggs and vanilla. Set aside. In separate bowl mix all dry ingredients. Combine the avocado power mixture with the dry ingredients. Once it's all combined fold in your chocolate or you could add raisins or dried chopped apples too! Bake for about 9-11 minutes or until they are set but soft in the middle. Let them cool a few minutes on the baking sheet to set further. Enjoy and do the happy dance each time your child bites into this crazy good cookie for you are giving her/him nature's candy!

Tell me what you think!!!! As you can tell I'm crazy excited about my new creation!

Mash Avocados:

Add dates and mix again:
Add eggs and vanilla:

Mix dry ingredients:

Add chocolate chips or no sugar added dried fruits:
Eat & enjoy! They won't last long!
Guess what......? None of the ones with chocolate chips lasted long enough for a picture! I'll add more pics when I make these again! 

UPDATE: these cookies are awesome make ahead dough balls! If you know me you know that I always have cookies of any kind balled up and frozen ready to bake in case friends or neighbors come over to hang out! I freeze in individual layers in Pyrex dishes. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Berry Amazing Chia Jam


How is the weather in your neck of the woods? The weather here in the low country has been divine. With highs in the low 80s and lows in the high 60s it's been absolutely ideal weather for cookouts, beach and pool. I love my neighborhood pool so much. It's such a great place to go to swim, play with the kids and watch them all play together. But here in this neighborhood it's more than that. It's a place where we as neighbors all come together to catch up. We find out about local activities from each other. We meet new neighbors who have moved here from all over the country and we share good workouts and recipes. Yes, sitting around the pool and giving out recipes is so awesome! 

Last weekend I met some awesome new friends/neighbors and got to see many I had already met before. I love when the topic starts slowly morphing into a discussion about dinner and favorite foods and things our kids will and won't eat. I was so excited to meet and talk to a new friend who said her 8 year old son will eat anything and loves healthy foods. I think Dean (my 8 year old) said something about wanting my Berry Amazing Chia Jam and that got us all into a jammin good chat about my family's favorite condiment (is jam a condiment? I don't even know but it's too cool to call it just plain food). Berry Amazing Chia Jam is my family's favorite way to have chia seeds and the sweetest fruit of the season, strawberries. The recipe is so easy that I call it crazy easy! 

Emily at Tresses Hair salon asked if I sell it. Definitely, Emily! I'll make this just for you any time! It's fun to make but even more fun to eat! Kids love it too and they are getting a great big dose of protein and fiber and healthy carbs from the berries. My little princess adds a few tablespoons of Jam to her plain Greek yogurt. My oldest spreads it on his almond butter sandwiches and my middle dude eats it straight out of the jar like its goin out of style. Yes friends, it's THAT good! Try it! Tell me whatcha think!

Berry Amazing Chia Jam

2 bags of frozen or 2 lbs fresh strawberries (works well with cherries, raspberries and blueberries too!)
4T freshly squeezed lemon juice
6 T chai seeds
The tiniest pinch of salt

Put fruit in large sauce pan and put over low-medium heat. Stir constantly until the fruit has made its own juice and softens dramatically. This happens sooner and easier with frozen fruit and frozen fruit can sometimes even be cheaper than fresh so I tend to go with the frozen for the jam. Once the fruit is nice and soft get out your potato masher and mash the fruit up. We like chunks of fruit in our jam so I mash well but leave lots of chunks. Add the lemon juice, chia and pinch salt. Stir constantly! It's worth it! (Work your outer thighs while you stir and slowly swing leg out to the side 20 times on each side. Repeat until this step is complete. You're welcome. Now your legs will even get some love.)
Stirring constantly, let the whole mixture come to a slow boil. Let boil and cook for 5 minutes or until it starts to firm up a bit. (Now work inner thighs while you stir during this step!)

Pour into containers or jars to share. Put in refrigerator to cool. Enjoy, smile and do your happy dance that your family is eating one big bundle of healthy love! 

Mash strawberries!
Add your power chia and lemon juice and a dash of salt:
Stir baby stir!!!!! 

After boiling for 5 min funnel into cute jars:
Told ya they were cute!
Put some crazy adorable stickers on the lid. Give as a gift to some "berry good teachers"!!!!!! Save some for yourself!

Want to buy some? Contact me and like me on Facebook!